First Workshop of the SPINCHARAC Transversal Project in Lyon
The SPINCHARAC Transversal Project held its very first workshop on January 28-29, 2025, at the La Doua Campus in Lyon, within the university library and the Institut Lumière Matière (ILM). The event brought together more than 50 participants.
These two half-days were dedicated to presenting the main characterization techniques used for studying spintronics samples, whether structural, electronic, or magnetic. The presentations took various forms:
In-depth lectures (one per half-day) on Raman scattering and Brillouin scattering—two spectroscopy techniques for studying material properties.
Extended talks covering topics such as high-time-resolution imaging on synchrotron, material analysis via picosecond acoustics using a femtosecond laser pulse, magnetic microscopy and its extensions with NV centers in diamond, magnetic resonance microscopy, electronic photoemission spectroscopy, and high-resolution spatial and spectroscopic transmission electron microscopy.
Thirteen 20-minute presentations, where speakers were systematically asked to introduce the technique and underlying physical principles before presenting relevant spintronics results. These talks provided an extensive overview of characterization techniques.
These days provided everyone with the opportunity to discover new techniques or deepen their understanding, while initiating discussions on the various perspectives each method brings.
At the end of the presentations, a visit to the ILM platforms was organized on the last afternoon, bringing together a few participants.
In addition, the university library hosted an exhibition dedicated to André-Marie Ampère, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of his birth. A founding figure in the physics of electricity and magnetism, his work is the basis of the principles underlying spintronics.