Project Manager
Matthieu Bailleul, researcher at CNRS in IPCMS Strasbourg

The SWING project is part of the magnonics field, which aims to exploit the unique physical properties of spin waves, or magnons, to develop new information technologies, using their phase or amplitude for coding.
> Increase energy efficiency
> Develop new approaches to controlling the properties of spin-wave modes.
> Improve the level of integration of existing magnonic components
Solutions implemented
> New materials engineering
> Improvement of spin-wave interconversion;
> (Re)generation of spin waves via acoustics
> Development of non-reciprocal devices
More precisions
The SWING Targeted Project uniquely combines the non-volatility, reconfigurability, agility and non-linearity of magnetism, with the flexibility and parallelism of wave-based architectures.
Proofs of concept have already been reported recently, ranging from signal processing units to elementary logic gates, so that spin-wave devices are now among the most promising technologies beyond CMOS.

However, progress in this field has been seriously hampered by poor scaling of the inductive magnon-photon interaction, which is a bottleneck in terms of energy efficiency. We believe that the breakthroughs that will unlock the potential of magnonics lie at the interface between the fields of magnonics, spintronics and magneto-acoustics.
Innovative strategies will be explored in the SWING project to excite, manipulate and detect spin waves with improved energy efficiency.
To this end, the approach will be to take advantage of spin-wave interactions with highly non-uniform magnetic configurations, in order to obtain new dynamic regimes, including spin-wave-induced switching and chiral spin-wave guiding.
The coupling of spin waves with other degrees of freedom, in particular the elastic degree, for efficient energy injection in hybrid magnonic systems will be exploited.
Finally, efficient nanoscale spin-wave transducers by integrating nanomagnets and spintronic sensors on magnonic waveguides will be designed. This vast multidisciplinary effort will be accompanied by the design and evaluation of key magnonic components for analog and digital architectures.
Institut de physique et de chimie des matériaux de Strasbourg (CNRS, Strasbourg), Institut Jean Lamour (CNRS, Nancy), Laboratoire Albert Fert (CNRS, Palaiseau), Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé (CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette), SPINTEC (CEA, Grenoble), IMT-Atlantique (IMT, Brest), Institut des Nanosciences de Paris (CNRS, Paris), Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (CNRS, Villetaneuse)